Spanish For The Elementary Years (Council Rock)

  10/17/2024 - 12/5/2024
  2:45 PM - 3:25 PM
  Council Rock Primary School (600 Grosvenor Rd:Hab Lab
  Teaching Team The Enrichment Company

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


6 Thursdays; no class 10/31 and 11/28


Get a head start on a new language by joining us for an educationally oriented curriculum that is specifically designed for the K-2 student to learn the Spanish language. This unique and exciting program features foundation vocabulary Introduced through games, singing and fun activities. Students are able to compound words and begin forming simple sentences. Early introduction increases the student’s ability to absorb rather than translate the language. Class is open to new and returning students! If you have taken a Spanish Club class previously, new vocabulary is introduced with each session - never a repeat. Join the fun! Limited spots available in the class. For more information regarding the Spanish program, visit

This program is held in the Hab Lab at dismissalParents must provide a bus pass each time their child attends an after school class. If your child attends the YMCA or Brighton Rec aftercare program at Council Rock, please inform them that your child is attending an afterschool Spanish class and won't arrive at aftercare until they are escorted there at the end of their class.